TEAM - "Our Commitment, Your success" 

At Kingdom Sovereignty Enterprises, our mission is to foster a culture of unwavering commitment and consistency. We believe that through dedicated effort and steadfast persistence, we can achieve extraordinary accomplishments that uplift and inspire those around us.

Our team is united in the pursuit of excellence, driven by the belief that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every success is a step towards making a positive impact on the world.

Together, we are committed to building a legacy of greatness, one action at a time.

Meet the Team

At Kingdom Sovereignty Broadcast & Network, we are proud to have a dedicated and talented team that works tirelessly to bring our vision to life. Our staff members play crucial roles in ensuring the highest quality of production, broadcast, and multimedia content. Here, we introduce you to our core team members whose expertise and passion drive our mission forward.

Broadcast Engineer, Video & Audio Specialist, Producer

Our Producer is the creative visionary behind our content. They oversee the development and execution of all productions, from initial concept to final output. Their responsibilities include:

  • Project Management: Coordinating all aspects of production, including budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation.
  • Creative Direction: Guiding the artistic and technical aspects of projects to ensure they align with our mission and brand.
    Team Leadership: Managing the production team and collaborating with writers, directors, and other creative professionals to deliver engaging and impactful content.

Broadcast Engineer
The Broadcast Engineer ensures that our live broadcasts and recordings run smoothly and efficiently. They are responsible for the technical aspects of our broadcasting operations, including:

  • Equipment Maintenance: Setting up, maintaining, and troubleshooting all broadcast equipment, such as cameras, microphones, and transmission systems.
  • Signal Quality: Monitoring and optimizing audio and video signals to ensure the highest quality output.
    Technical Support: Providing real-time technical support during live broadcasts and recording sessions to address any issues promptly.

Video & Audio Specialist
Our Video & Audio Specialist is an expert in creating and editing high-quality multimedia content. They play a vital role in producing visually appealing and sonically rich materials. Their key functions include:

  • Video Production: Filming, editing, and post-producing video content, ensuring it meets our standards for clarity, coherence, and creativity.
  • Audio Engineering: Recording, mixing, and mastering audio tracks to enhance the overall production quality.
  • Multimedia Integration: Combining video and audio elements seamlessly to create a cohesive and engaging final product.

Together, our team of skilled professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Kingdom Sovereignty Enterprises. Their combined efforts ensure that every project we undertake is executed with precision, creativity, and a commitment to excellence.

Tod Booahbasal, Broadcast Engineer

Lorealla Dugnal, Producer

Justain Jushear, Senior Video & Audio Specialist

Dominic Johnson, Web Designer & Marketing 

The Board of Directors

Todd Teazol, Director

John Smithison, Director

Lula Dorita, Director

Partners and Sponsorships

Looking for a new challenge?

Are you a student eager to gain hands-on experience in the dynamic world of broadcast productions?

Join us as a volunteer and immerse yourself in the exciting process of creating high-quality content. This is your chance to work alongside seasoned professionals, learn cutting-edge techniques, and develop your skills in video production, audio engineering, and broadcasting.

Not only will you enhance your resume, but you'll also build a network of industry contacts and gain invaluable real-world experience. Don't miss this opportunity to jumpstart your career in media production.

Apply today and be part of our innovative team!